Nicola Engel-KhanNorth Leeds Counselling

Counselling and therapy in North Leeds - promoting insight, change and growth

I'm not sure if therapy is right for me
Like many things, it can be important to try therapy for a while before you decide to commit to it on a regular basis. Therapy isn't for everyone but many people find that over time it does help them.

Which kind of therapy is right for me?
It can be very confusing looking at all the different kinds of therapy available. What all counselling therapies have in common is that they involve talking in a non-directive way way about the things that are bothering you - that means that you 'set the agenda', not me. What most research shows is that it is the relationship with the therapist that is the greatest predictor of a positive outcome rather than the type of therapy.

How much therapy will I need?
This is very much down to the nature of the issues you are dealing with. I offer both short term and open ended work. We can discuss your sense of what you need at our first meeting and we can also discuss this as the work progresses. In open ended work I would always suggest that we work to an ending over a number of weeks so that we can address the issues that endings can bring up, together.

Will our work be confidential?
I engage in regular supervision in line with BACP guidelines. Your work with me will be completely confidential and I will not discuss it with anyone else other than my supervisor with whom I will also anonimize your identity. The only exceptions to this are if I were to become concerned that:

  • you are intending to harm yourself
  • you are intending to harm someone else
  • you are planning to act illegally

    In these instances I would always seek to discuss these issues with you before taking any further action

    How do I know my information will be kept safely?
    I keep a minimum amount of information about you in a way that is non-identifiable. I am registered with the information commissioners office and abide by the GDPR regulations in relation to data protection.

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